
Wild and delicious FIDDLEHEADS are still with us. For at least one more week, we’ll be selling wild Vermont fiddlehead ferns, a very special spring treat, at the Union Square Greenmarket. First parboil them and pour off the cooking water, then prepare them as you would any green vegetable. And if you just can’t get enough of them, buy a few extra pounds and pickle them. Yum.

On another note, this year’s sugaring season was a great success. Winter just wouldn’t end up here in northern Vermont, and although that got a little hard for those of us who wanted to plant our gardens, it meant that the sap kept flowing. There’s plenty of maple syrup for the upcoming year. See you at the Greenmarket.

Web photos by Stephan Cantor, Lee Houck, Katherine Pangaro, June Russell and David Navas.
Deep Mountain Maple: Entries (RSS)
PO Box 68. West Glover, Vermont. 05875 (802) 525-4162
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