2011 Sugaring Update

March 21, 2011

This past week has heralded a great beginning to our 2011 sugaring season. With a snowcover of 5-6 feet in much of the woods (after the 3ft “storm of the century” two weeks ago), frosty nights, and daytime temperatures pushing up above freezing (but not by much), we have enjoyed classic sugaring weather so far. The thousands of gallons of crystal clear sap we’ve collected over the last ten days have all been transformed into delicious maple syrup. The color is light golden, and the flavor is exquisite.
We will have new 2011 maple syrup, maple candies, and maple marshmallows at the Union Square Greenmarket this Friday and Saturday, March 25 and 26. Maple cream will have to wait a few weeks until our production season calms down a bit.
The weather forecast for the upcoming week makes us optimistic that this season will hang on for a while. As I write, we’re getting yet another snowstorm, with 8-10 inches expected before it stops. Hooray, hooray! More snow means more maple syrup!
See you at Union Square!

Web photos by Stephan Cantor, Lee Houck, Katherine Pangaro, June Russell and David Navas.
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PO Box 68. West Glover, Vermont. 05875 (802) 525-4162 info@DeepMountainMaple.com
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